Are You A Praying Mamma? Share Your Testimony

Embrace Who You Are, To Become Who You'll Be

How To Actually Create Change

Podcast shared on November 20, 2020 by Josh Hines • Comments: 0 Comments
How do you become that person who's happy with their lives and doesn't wish they were somewhere in the future or a better version of themselves, making more money, working a better job or in a different relational status?

How To Reach Your Full Potential

Everyone always says, "You gotta change who you are, in order to get what you've never had."

But why is it so hard to make the changes necessary to become the person able to achieve the goals you want to achieve?

The reason why so many people aren't able to achieve the goals they want and embrace their full potential is because, often times, people wear masks to cover up who they really are.

Have you ever heard the phrase, "Fake it till you make it?"

This phrase gets thrown around like dirty laundry and so many people follow this advice walking around the world pretending they are someone they aren't, acting like they know how to do something when they don't understand it completely and overestimate their abilities.

Embrace Who You Are

The problem with faking it and acting like you are something you aren't, is that you really are never able to grow.

When we try to mask our weaknesses, we actually are masking our potential.

Until we are honest with who we are, we really won't be able to seek the advice we need to grow, we won't read the books, attend the webinars or take the classes we need in order to learn what it really takes to get to that next level.

When we embrace who we are, we understand our struggles and weaknesses and are honest with ourselves, instead of masking and faking it till we make it, we can instead seek out the information and make the relationships we need in order to actually grow and move to the next level.

Who You Will Become

How many people do you know who are actually self-made?

A lot of people throw this term around when describing themselves but if you really look and listen to their stories you'll understand rather quickly that no person can become the person they want to be by themselves.

Some people had great parents who encouraged them, others had teachers or mentors, or a conference that inspired them to reach higher.

But while you are faking it pretending you know more than you do and being prideful, most of these experiences will never happen.

Be Humble & Embrace Your Shortcomings

Instead of faking it, instead the next time you want to grow really ask yourself, "What is holding me back from where I want to be?"

Be true to yourself and when you find the answer(s) to that question, then find someone who can answer them for you.

Humble yourself, swallow your pride and then when you find what you seek, you'll then have the answers and you'll be able to become the person you want to be.

But the first step is embracing who you already are.

So Who Are You Going To Become

So the question is, what will your life look like in the future, what will you be doing, who will you be? What do you need to embrace in order to start making the changes necessary to grow and truly reach your full potential?

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Scriptures About Prayer

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Philippians 4:6

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