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Change The Way You Talk To Yourself

How Do You Talk To Yourself

Podcast shared on November 20, 2020 by Josh Hines • Comments: 0 Comments
When it comes to influence, the person you will have the biggest influence over is yourself. The words you choose to say about yourself hold the most weight. The question is are you using words to build yourself up or tear yourself down?

Your Words Are Life And Death

Have you ever taken the time to actually listen to the way you think about yourself?

Personally, I used to be really bad about this. I would tell myself:

  • Look what you messed up now
  • There you go again making problems
  • Are you ever going to get this right
  • You are never going to be anyone
  • No one cares about you
  • Why do always mess up

The list goes on and on.

The problem with this, even though we just think we are saying words or they are just thoughts, what we say and think has a huge influence on what we become.

The Bibles states, "As a man thinketh, then he becomes."

The things you say to yourself have a way of actually becoming true because in our minds they are true and then our minds will find ways to actually make them a reality.

So How Do You Fix the Problem

In order to make sure you are able to achieve your greatest potential and reach your biggest goals, you need to start thinking and talking to yourself better.

You need to start speaking positively and encouraging yourself.

It may sound silly, but considering the usual negative self-talk that most people have in their lives, myself including, the worst thing you can do is just continue doing what you've always done and continue to tear yourself down.

The best place to start is by sitting down and making a list of the things you wish you could hear others saying about you.

These sayings should start with the phrase "I Am" and can include:

  • I am a great friend
  • I am an intelligent and solution finding person
  • I am enough
  • I am capable
  • I am powerful
  • I am confident

Once you have a list of these sayings, make sure to review them and read them daily.

What I Have Done In My Life

Personally, there are a number of things I do that changed the way I think about myself.

I place signs, made with printer paper, with words and sayings on them to remind me of who I am around my home pinned to the walls.

Every time I see these signs I read them out loud so the thoughts and words will be engrained in my mind.

Another thing I do, using a dry erase marker, is write messages on my bathroom mirror.

Like the signs, every morning when I wake up and take a shower, I read these message on my mirror.

I make a point to change out the sayings every few weeks or until they become a part of my usual thinking.

Always remember, words have more power than we realize.

By simply changing the words you say out loud about yourself, you can really change your life.

What words or sayings do you want to say about yourself? Share them in the comments below and then start reminding yourself of these words and thoughts daily.

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Scriptures About Prayer

Therefore let everyone who is godly offer prayer to you at a time when you may be found; surely in the rush of great waters, they shall not reach him.
Psalm 32:6

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