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3 Types Of People You Need In Your Life

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Blog shared on November 19, 2020 by Josh Hines • Comments: 1 Comment
There are three types of people you need in your life to keep you challenged, growing and refined. These three types of people are mentees, colleagues and mentors.

Do You Have These People In Your Life

Below I share the three types of people you need in your life and when you do find these people things to look out for.

The Types of People Who Challenge You

The first type of people to find in your life are colleagues.

These people, often time your own age, are those who you can be challenged by. They are the people who provide friendly competition and encouragement throughout life.

They have a way of making life fun and keep you moving forward.

This type of people will be those who know you the best, and sometimes this will cause problems, but great colleagues will find ways to work out your differences.

Things to Look Out For With Colleagues

There are a few things you need to look out for when it comes to colleagues.

You want to make sure that you have strict boundaries for these types of people and you want to ensure that the relationship is fair and balanced.

At no point should the relationship with a colleague become one sided where one person ends up giving more than other.

The Types of People Who Help You Grow

The next type of people you need to find in your life are mentors.

These people are usually older than you, sometimes one stage, and other times a couple.

These types of people are the type who will help you grow and pull out your strengths.

Mentors are people who offer advice based on past experience and will be the ones who guide you and help you to reduce the problems we find in our lives.

Things to Look Out For with Mentors

When choosing the right mentor, make sure you pick a person who has good character and life experiences that align with the values you want to live by.

Mentors are great at influencing those they work with so you want to make sure the person you pick is someone you would want to be like in the future.

When choosing the right mentor, make sure you ask to hear their story and see any tools or programs they have created or follow when it comes to the advice they offer.

The Types of People Who Refine You

The last type of people you need to find in your life are the mentees.

These people are usually younger than you, possibly a stage behind, and are the ones who are looking for your advice.

Mentees are the types of people that you become a mentor to. There will always be people that are younger than you and are looking for advice.

As a mentor, these types of people will refine you the most while at the same time help you to grow and mature the most.

As you mentor people, you will soon find yourself learning more about yourself, learning how to offer simple and practical advice and while engaging with these types of people your leadership and character will be refined more than ever.

Things To Look Out For With Mentees

There are a few things to look out for when it comes to those you end up working with.

You want to make sure that you are not overextending yourself, it is not your job to solve the problem for them, it's only your job to offer advice.

When you mentor others, make sure you have a plan of how you are going to spend your time when you engage with your mentee, it is your job to set the tone and ensure that when you meet you have a schedule, a plan and a particular result that you are looking to achieve in your time together.

As a mentor, you are the one teaching structure, planning, and order, the same things that are often missing in those you are advising. You are the teacher.

Which Type Of People Are Excited About

Out of the three types of people list above, which type of person are you looking forward to engaging with the most? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Joshua Hines Commented 3 Years Ago

I've always been looking for good mentors, most of the people I look up to, it's just through podcasts, YouTube videos, books, and the such. If you want to learn something, somewhere online, there is probably someone talking about what you want to learn and they probably have some program they are giving away for free. Seek and you will find.

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Answer me when I call, O God of my righteousness! You have given me relief when I was in distress. Be gracious to me and hear my prayer.
Psalm 4:1

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