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God Is Doing A New Thing, Renew Your Wineskin

Can You Sense The Times Changing

Blog shared on November 19, 2020 by Josh Hines • Comments: 0 Comments
2020 has been a wild year. It seems this year, many are seeing the world in an entirely different way. Behold the Lord says, I am doing a new thing and right now the entire world is fighting for control but in the end only the Lord's way will be.

It's Time To Put On A New Wineskin

Jesus told us you don't put new wine in an old wineskin for it won't be able to hold it and it will burst. Matthew 9:17 Luke 5:37-39

In this season, all around the world, God is doing a new thing. Isaiah 43:19

So many people have found themselves without a job and wondering how they are going to make it.

God says, "Do I not provide for the lilies, do I not feed the birds?" Matthew 6:26

In order to hold what God wants to give you, you need to get rid of your old wineskin and renew it so He can give you fresh wine.

Renewing Your Wineskin

How do you renew your wineskin?

By the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2

You literally have to start thinking and seeing differently.

The thinking and seeing that got you to where you are today, won't get you to where God wants to take you tomorrow.

His ways are higher. Isaiah 55:8-9

Delight In The Lord's Ways

So today, delight in the Lord, allow Him to order your steps, seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all things will be added unto you. Matthew 6:33

Do not be like the Israelites and complain like they did when they left Egypt.

Instead, align your thoughts with the Lord, renew your mind, and move into your promised land filled with milk and honey.

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Scriptures About Prayer

When my life was fainting away, I remembered the Lord, and my prayer came to you, into your holy temple.
Jonah 2:7

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